All about Architarium

Making columbarium memorials manageable

Welcome to Architarium. Look around and stay awhile. Learn about who we are and how we can help you with your columbarium project.

We evolve

Starting 90 years ago on Brazos Street in downtown Austin, we have specialized in metal. We evolved from printer dies to honor walls to columbarium products.

architarium austin columbarium manufacturer

and apply our skills

Engineering often takes place in large corporations where work is often far removed from reality. We’ve been there. We decided to apply our engineering skills to help real people by manufacturing a high-end columbarium.

architarium austin columbarium manufacturer

and our life experience

We sponsor content on how to manage death in the family because we know first-hand how daunting it can be.

architarium austin columbarium manufacturer

to innovate

We maintain a list of our columbarium innovations to remind ourselves what we have contributed and spur ourselves to contribute more.

architarium austin columbarium manufacturer

to help you help others.

Helping others is what it’s all about. Our educational materials are renowned. And we are always willing to stop and shoot the breeze with you. Conversations may range from columbaria to funeral expenses to snails.


Why did you choose the name Architarium?

It’s a combination of “architectural” and “columbarium”.

What are your company values?
  • Education
  • Responsiveness
  • Quality
  • No duct tape or full-screen popups
Is Architarium founded by engineers?

Yes. Degreed engineers. We still probably remember some semi-conductor physics.

Do you name your robots?

Yes. Ernie, Astro and Sparky.

How are you different from competitors?

We think differently. That’s probably due in part to being engineers – which have a reputation for being different. As a result, we think of things that no one else does.

What happens after your warranty ends?

You will know within 40 years whether there’s a problem.

What is one of your larger projects?

Texas A&M University’s cemetery.

Why do you provide funeral education?

We saw another opportunity to help the community. We have needed funeral help ourselves.

Do you work with organizations which have bought a columbarium elsewhere?

Yes. We do and we have in the following situations:

  • Columbaria purchased elsewhere that are deteriorating
  • Columbarium expansion
Why don't you have a sales force?
  • We don’t believe that you should pay someone to sell you something.
  • We do believe that you have the skills to decide what is right for you.
  • We do believe that you should get information directly from the manufacturer.
  • We do believe that you should have attention after your purchase.
Who built your website?

We did. Learning and applying technology is what we do.

What's the best compliment you've received?

Any compliment from our clients is the best. We have also been approached about partnerships, mergers and stocks.

Do you have suggestions for SXSW and ACL?

Yes. We will write an article.

What is Sprocket's story?

Sprocket frequently appears at columbarium installations. He is a German Shepherd mix. He was adopted at 9 months from Austin Animal Shelter. He is now 6 years old. We don’t know his history. For example, Sprocket is cautious around strangers. But he quickly warms up to anyone bearing food, frisbee or laser pointer.

architarium austin columbarium manufacturer


10 + 13 =

memorial garden robot

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