Colum-what? A Columbarium Overview


We’re going to assume you are starting at square 1 and give you a columbarium overview.

What is a columbarium

Simply put, it is a structure to hold cremated remains in urns. It can be free-standing or built into a structure. Increasingly, such structures are integrated architecturally into the surrounding environment.

Both the frame and the faceplates can be made of metal or stone – typically granite.

Urns can be any container. There are no laws about what an urn must be. Most organizations have by-laws that describe allowed urns. Some organizations may restrict types of urns to ensure the cremains stay in-tact. Some go further and actually sell the urns.

Columbaria have been around for centuries. The earliest known ones still in existence were built in Roman times. For example, you can visit the Columbarium of Pomponius Hylas outside of Rome. The word “columbarium” is derived from the Latin word for dove: “columba”. The structure was perceived to be similar to a dovecote.

Who builds columbaria

We have a saying: “Anyone can build a box.” It’s true. We have seen a number of do-it-yourself structures. Unfortunately, we tend to see them because they are deteriorating and someone needs help to repair them.

Building such structures is becoming a specialty. Yes – you can even say it’s a niche market. Manufacturers vary in experience and sophistication. We are engineers so we decided to design and manufacture a high-end columbarium. We built our own factory with automated processes and robotics.

You can find manufacturers in the US and abroad. There are multiple reasons to buy in the US.

Who does the design

It depends on whether your vision is elaborate or large. In this case, it is better to work with an architect. For simpler projects, our clients have used a contractor or done the design themselves.

What styles are available

With an engineered system like we offer, all kinds of styles are available. Styles are characterized by: location, shape and faceplate material. You can see the basic styles below. Click into any image for more information. Furthermore, you can view a number of actual constructed examples from our clients.





What our clients say:

"Our columbarium committee had no idea how to start planning and designing a columbarium.  Architarium was so patient with us and answered every question we had.  We are very proud of our first of 4 wall insert columbariums.  --Peggy M., TN

  • columbarium funeral help

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